Built on a foundation of positive intentions and mindfulness


If you met Jay Patel before 2018, you would probably have never guessed that he’d one day be the CEO of a cannabis company. 

Jay left India when he was just 19 years old. After spending a little time in Canada and Tennessee, he landed in Moberly during August of 2007. There, he bought a struggling convenience store, fixed it up, and discovered he had a natural talent for retail — so much so that he eventually expanded into multiple locations across Missouri. 

Growing up, Jay’s entire family was against the use of cannabis. It wasn’t until Jay’s grandmother was diagnosed with multiple myeloma in 2018 that his anti-cannabis mindset began to shift. 

After hearing about his grandmother’s cancer diagnosis, Connie at Wise Women Botanicals offered Jay samples of her hemp-based products. He reluctantly passed them along — and after just a month of using the products, Jay’s grandmother reported back that it was making a big difference. 

Shortly after, Jay’s son was diagnosed with autism.

As he began Googling the word “autism,” Jay was shocked to find that cannabis kept popping up as a treatment for autistic children and began to dig deeper into the history of cannabis. That’s when he realized that there were two opposing stories about cannabis — and that cannabis had been used as a healing medicine for thousands of years in his own culture, Hinduism. By the end of his research, Jay decided to try giving his son a blend of hemp-derived CBD and CBG oil.

The benefits that both his son and grandmother experienced from the use of cannabis were impossible to ignore, and Jay became a believer and advocate for the plant he once could not tolerate.

After medical cannabis was legalized in Missouri in November 2018, Jay attended a seminar led by Dan Viets at the University of Missouri. He was captivated by the idea of entering the exciting new cannabis industry, and in 2019 he applied to be vertically integrated.

Jay was initially granted dispensary licenses, which now operate as Green Releaf. But the ability to grow cannabis was crucial to Jay’s vision for having complete control over the quality of product he was sharing with Missourians, so he continued pursuing the cultivation license — and eventually secured the second to last medical cannabis cultivation license in the state. 

Jay’s ability to stay calm and collected throughout the inevitable chaos of owning a business in the cannabis industry is admired by his colleagues.

Jay attributes his even-keeled energy to his daily grounding and incense-burning rituals that support his never-give-up mindset. “Everything in my life has always come the hard way — so when it does come the hard way, I know it’s going to happen. It’s as if the universe is teasing you: give up, give up, give up, and you don’t. And then it’s like, ‘Okay, you can have it now.’ So when I see issues, I actually get excited; I think, ‘Oh, it’s coming!’”

After beginning construction in September 2021, the AMAZE Cannabis facility officially opened on April 21, 2022.

Now, most of Jay’s family is involved with AMAZE Cannabis.

You’ll find Jay’s grandmother cutting clones and his cousin cleaning water tanks alongside nearly 80 other hard-working members of the Moberly community. In addition to bringing new genetic profiles to Missourians, AMAZE Cannabis is working on a new line of products specifically designed for children with autism.



Chief Executive Officer

Jay has over 15 years of experience in retail. He likes cannabis for its anti-inflammatory properties and the calm it offers him, finding that it can act as a reset button after a long day.

“Jay has a very forward thinking and progressive mindset. His curiosity, attention to detail, and risk management allow for exponential growth and a fearless approach that inevitably leads to success. These qualities continue to attract likeminded individuals, contributing to a culture of hard work, selflessness, and continued accomplishments.”
—Nathan Shenstone, Facility Manager


Director of Cultivation & Breeding

Roger entered the cannabis industry in 2014, though he’s had a deep relationship with the plant for over 20 years. He describes himself as being “obsessed” with cannabis: “Nothing in my life has impacted me as significantly and profoundly.”

Roger is proud to help create genetic blueprints that will be amplified throughout different markets with the potential to help exponential amounts of people in need.


Post-Harvest & Metrc Manager

Holly has been in the cannabis industry for over six years. She has experience in everything from packaging to order fulfillment, and Holly has managed dispensaries in both Arizona and Missouri, including Green Releaf. When asked what about AMAZE makes her feel most proud, Holly said, “The loyalty and respect to the individual.”

Holly is a firm believer in the medicinal qualities of cannabis. She has seen cannabis truly help her loved ones, and Holly uses the plant for her own anxiety and muscle pain.


Facility Manager

Nathan grew up in Canada and spent his teenage years helping his mother with outdoor cannabis cultivation. Cannabis was first introduced to him as a sacred and honored plant, and he says it has his upmost respect. “I continue to advocate for its benefits, and consider it an honour and privilege to have built the relationship I have with it.”

Nathan connected with AMAZE through Roger Henrichs, who he met almost 20 years ago when Roger visited Canada to immerse himself in the culture of outdoor growing.


Trim Lead

Yash graduated in May 2022 with a Bachelors in IT and Business, and he intends to help AMAZE expand beyond Missouri. “The idea/motto that we strive for nothing but amazing is incredibly true. The fact its a family business makes it even better.”

Yash started using cannabis his junior year of college to help with relaxation and sleep, and he now considers himself an avid consumer.


Grow Manager

Aaron attended the Northeastern Institute of Cannabis and has grown cannabis for over 15 years. He describes his relationship with cannabis to be both fun and serious, as he “truly want[s] to provide patients and all users with the best, most consistent cannabis.”

Aaron was inspired to enter the cannabis industry after watching both his parents go through chemo treatment for their cancer. “I wanted to help ease others pain.”


Human Resources

Jana has been working with Jay in his various retail businesses for over 10 years. She says she has a great relationship with cannabis, “I respect Cannabis and I know it has a strong impact for the near future.”