What is “Mindfully Grown” cannabis?

Mindfulness is the practice of fully focusing your attention on the present moment. 

We believe that every single action we take and our intentions behind those actions affect both the physical and energetic health of our plants — and ultimately the quality of our products. 

Our company culture is centered around mindfulness and positive energy. This mindset impacts everything from our sanitization systems to the way we cultivate connections between our team members.

What does mindfulness look like at AMAZE Cannabis?

Our entire team practices an unparalleled level of biosecurity to ensure the purity of our products. 

At AMAZE Cannabis, all of our team members change into clean scrubs and hairnets upon arrival at the facility, and we sterilize our clothing between rooms.

Being mindful means having an awareness of how our actions impact our facility as a whole. As a team, we collectively hold the intention of keeping our facility as clean as possible. 

We take time to explain why we do what we do.

We believe that helping our team understand why we do things the way we do focuses our intention and cultivates a deeper relationship with our plants so that we can better care for them.

Every grow room has the words love, gratitude, harmony, life, and joy on its walls.

Studies show that exposing plants to different types of music with unique vibrational frequencies affects their health and growth. Click here to learn more

Just like music, words carry unique frequencies. We believe that imbuing the grow rooms with these vibrations positively influences not only the intentions of our team, but also the energy of the plants themselves. 

We neutralize the energy of our facility for a fresh start every day. 

Operating as a family business, rituals from our long-held Hindu traditions have been integrated into AMAZE Cannabis. 

We begin our mornings by lighting sage to clear the space with negative ions, then we come together as a team to reflect on the previous day, get clarity on upcoming tasks, and collectively execute with intention.

We are always working to reduce our environmental footprint. 

Just like we believe in treating our plants with respect, we believe in treating the earth with respect, too. 

We're aware of how energy and resource-demanding the production of commercial cannabis is, and we are always exploring and incorporating systems to lower our impact and use what we have more efficiently.⁠ Here are just a couple of examples:

  • We capture, clean, and recycle our water to reduce our environmental impact

  • LED lights help us save energy and offer our plants a full spectrum of light


Greenway Magazine Features our Director of Cultivation, Roger Henrichs


What is Mindfulness?